Friday, February 23, 2018

Lots of Fun In the Coming Days!

 On Friday, March 2, we will be celebrating Dr. Suess Day in our classroom. We will be rotating with two other classrooms and doing activities related to Dr. Suess books. We will also be having Dress Up Days celebrating Dr. Suess throughout the week. The dress up days are as follows:

Monday: 2/26 - Suess Time - Stop and and enjoy unbelievable Suess stories
Tuesday: 2/27: Cat In the Hat (wear a hat)
Wednesday: 2/28: Wacky Wednesday (wear wacky socks)
Thursday: 3/1: I can Read with My Eyes Shut (Read my shirt day)
Friday: 3/2: Cat in the Hat Comes Back: Wear Stripes

Hip! Hip! Hooray! It’s The 120th Day!
On Wednesday, March 7th , we will be celebrating the 120th
day of school. As part of our math program, we will be participating
in many fun-filled activities that involve counting, learning place
value, and many different way to make 120.

In order for your child to develop a better understanding of how each 120 is made, we are asking each child to do a special activity. This will be an at-home activity and parental assistance is encouraged. Please share in your child’s excitement and reinforce learning by completing the following activity: Have your child count 120 of the same items (i.e. marshmallows, cereal, pennies, Legos, M&M’s, buttons, etc.). The 120 items they choose should be able to fit in a sandwich-size zip lock baggie. Then, each child should count the 120 items by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. Finally, your child should bring the items (in the zip lock baggie) to school by Wednesday, March 7th.
For this special day, all first graders (and their teachers) will be dressing up like
old people. Discuss with your child what they would like their outfit to look like, then
help him/her create an outfit to wear to school. We will be taking lots of photos…
so don’t forget your wrinkles and gray hair!
There will be a variety of activities we are taking part in during the day. I will be sending home a link to a Sign-Up Genius next Friday to ask for donations of specific items for the activities. Please send this item in no later than Friday, March 2nd.

Field Trip:San Diego Wild Animal Park
On Friday, March 16 the first grade students will be taking a field trip to the San Diego Wild Animal Park. Please check your email because I have sent information on chaperoning and regarding your students participation in the event. Please make sure that you fill out all three permission slips and send them back to school with your student.
Have a great weekend!! 

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