Friday, October 20, 2017

Red Ribbon Week Is Here

This week we will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week. Today, we participated in a kick-off event with the DEA coming for an assembly. After the assembly, we were able to tour the different vehicles and meet the police dogs, who work for our community. In honor of Red Ribbon Week, we will have dress up days that will culminate at the end of week with our Jog-a-Thon. Here is a list of the dress up days for Red Ribbon Week:

1. Monday - Wear a red ribbon
2. Tuesday - Crazy Socks
3. Wednesday -Sports Day
4. Thursday - Wear Red
5. Friday - Jog-a-thon/Spirit Wear

Our wonderful room parents have been working hard for our Jog-a-thon. You should have received a Sign Up Genius from our room parents with items that will be needed and volunteer opportunities. Please check your email for this important information. We are the...are you ready for it...THE
BLAZING MONSTAR RUNNERS! Please make sure your child either wears their spirit wear for Jog-a-thon or the Tony Tobin colors. All monies raised from the Jog-a-thon will go straight back to our school for programs and other wonderful opportunities for our students. Please help raise money for this awesome event.

Items Needed for Class:

Next week we will be doing a fun Halloween activity. We are looking for bottles of Glitter Glue like this:

Please have your students bring the bottles to class. All colors are perfect.

Social Studies:
This week we are starting Our World. We will be labeling maps and talking about the continents, oceans and our planet.

Language Arts:
We are starting Unit 2, Week 1 for Language Arts. Please check out the specifics on the page labeled "Language Arts" on our website.

We are continuing with subtraction. Continue working with your students at home on explaining their answers as they do them in homework.

Enjoy your weekend!

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