Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Welcome Back!

Happy 2018! I hope everyone enjoyed a restful break! First, I would like to say thank you for all of the amazing gifts I received for the holiday. I am going to or have already enjoyed them very much. I
felt so loved by my students and families in room 21.

This week we are beginning reading groups again. The first set of groups will be bringing home books today. By tomorrow, everyone should be bringing a book home, even if it's the same one. Please make sure that your child brings their book bag with their book everyday to school. Practice makes perfect and we want to keep moving those reading levels up!

With flu season upon us, there a few things we need to do to keep everyone healthy at school. If your child has a fever, please make sure that they stay home. Also, in order to return to school they have to be fever free for 24 hours. If your child is complaining of
not feeling well in the morning, please keep them home. I will be sure to get them caught up on their work when they return. Staying well and healthy is the may concern for everyone.

There is a new drop off /pick up procedure for your students in the morning. Please see the following information from the office, just in case you didn't see it yesterday via email:

 This is to keep our students safe. Please read the details below in order to be prepared.
  1. ​​​Student access to campus will be through ONE gate, just beyond the office, closest to the 1st grade wing. Only students may enter through this gate. The Kindergarten gate will be open for Kindergarten students only (no adults).
  2.  Adults must enter through the office and sign in, if they wish to access campus, separate from their student. Adults only, will enter through the office.
  3. Students who have previously entered through the bus gate may continue to do so. No adults will be permitted through this gate.
  4. Students with special needs who were previously dropped off at classrooms by parents may continue this practice. Parents should sign in, with student, in the office, and proceed to classroom. Some students are met by aides outside of the gate. This will continue as well. Please contact your child's teacher with any potential concerns.

  1. Teachers will walk classes to the gates to dismiss, nearest their grade level hallways. Adults will not be permitted to enter the gates at dismissal. Adults needing to access campus may do so through the office.

​After School Programs
  1. ​​​All gates will be closed while students are participating in these programs. Students exiting after school programs will exit through the front office, along with the after school program personnel. Parents will not meet students inside the school.

Friday Flag
  1. ​​​Parents and visitors will enter and exit the school through the front office.Students will enter school through the gate.
  2. Students and parents can "reunite" on campus after entering separately.

​Running Club
  1. ​​Gate will open at 8:30 am to allow students to enter and will close immediately. If students are late, they must wait until the entrance gate opens at 8:40
  2. If parents wish to join their students at running club, they must sign in through the office.

Thank you for your commitment to keeping our students safe!

I look forward to jumping into some new things for the remainder of the school year. Our students will be working hard and learning a lot. As always, should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Have a fabulous week!

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